
This is a video I made in 2007; it was my final exam for an experimental video class. It’s the story of a young girl, as she documents her own cathartic ritual. The script uses some stereotypes, to match the ingenuity and simple mind of the main character, and also to leverage immediate recognition. I also let many scenes drag on, despite the initial storyboard‘s briefness, because I felt that such a contemplative style suited it best, and a fast editing would have done a disservice to the aesthetic. This was proved later, in fact, when I made a 30 seconds ‘digest’ (no subtitles) that didn’t really capture what I was after. That short version was created for an awful contest which I only entered because the topic matched perfectly: stories of sneakers, and it was an advertising campaign for a department store.

As you can see, the video could not have been made without the help of the star, Sigal, who was also the main camera-person. In fact, the concept was created around her, so, had she not agreed to help, I would have been forced to make something else entirely.

And since I’m on the subject, here’s another video I made for that same class, as an exercise in shooting and editing. All of the material was recorded at the Diana arcade in San Diego, Santiago. My original idea was to make it much more musical, but due to time constraints, I was only able to do so much.

“La historia de mis zapatillas” es un video que hice para el examen final de mi clase de video experimental, en 2007. Es la historia de una niña que documenta un íntimo y catártico ritual. Utilicé una edición conscientemente pausada, a pesar de que el storyboard original indicaba un ritmo mucho más rápido, porque noté que contribuía a la estética. En una versión abreviada que hice después, para un muy mal concurso publicitario de Falabella, pude comprobarlo.

Como es aparente, no podría haber creado el video sin la ayuda de Sigal, que, aparte de ser la estrella, hizo de camarógrafa principal. El concepto mismo fue creado en torno a ella, por lo que, de no haber aceptado participar, me habría visto obligado a hacer algo completamente distinto.

Ya estando en el tema, aprovecho de mostrar este otro video que hice para la misma clase. Este fue un ejercicio práctico de grabación y edición, capturado en los Entretenimientos Diana de San Diego, en Santiago. Mi idea original era hacerlo mucho más musical, pero por limitantes de tiempo, no pude hacer más que lo que se ve.
