It’s six months later and I finally did what I intended to do with the front page. It’s the same barebones design, but programmed in Elm and with language switching. I’m happy with what I learned about Elm in the process, and I’ll definitely continue using the language in future projects. It’s a joy getting front-end stuff done in a functional way.

Oh, and it’s old news already, but the Valdivia Film Festival was really fun. My friend Kiyohara Yui from Tokyo U. of the Arts was there to show the film she made (Our house) as her graduation project in university. I also met another Japanese filmmaker, the super young Yamanaka Youko, who brought Amiko—a small but exhuberant made-with-friends indie film. I got acquainted with her actually because she and Yui knew eachother from other film festivals they ended up touring together, starting with the Japanese Pia. And as it turns out, in Valdivia they didn’t have an interpreter ready for their two Japanese guests, so I (on the two’s request) filled that role. It was tough but interesting.
