Viewpoints in Portuguese.

A Brazilian fellow who calls himself Douglas Mitsujii has a website in which he collects Flash games he finds particularly philosophical or emotive. He contacted me about translating my game Viewpoints a month ago, and guess what, it’s done already. The one upgrade I couldn’t resist was the audio quality (lower and more efficient compression), so now the Portuguese version has one slight advantage over the original.

Play the Portuguese Viewpoints

(Sin asunto.)

Una cosa poética epistolar, creo. En español esta vez, para variar un poco.

(Sin asunto) (web)

En verdad tiene su origen hace mucho, de cuando primero jugué hush de Increpare y me puse a desarrollar un par de ideas con esa base, de las cuales ninguna dio fruto. Esta en particular no funcionó porque no hallé la narrativa adecuada para el formato. Me pasa a menudo que tengo una idea formal que no sé solucionar en cuanto a su contenido. En fin, la retomé después de leer un tweet de Terry Cavanagh sobre Catherine (el juego) y su mecánica de escribir mensajes de texto que coincidía más o menos con mi idea.

Frogs Drink Faces.

The surrealistic title for this game has two reasons: one, all three words are words you may encounter in-game; and, two, the game features frogs drinking faces.

This was a lax collaboration that involved me doing the game design and coding and three girls from my family (including my 5-year-old sister) preparing the art assets and coming up with English words of five-non-repeating-letters. Worked on at odd intervals throughout the 2012-in-One Glorious Developers Konference Kollection Pirake Kart weekend, for submission into it.

Play Frogs Drink Faces (Flash)

If you’re having trouble figuring out what to do, here’s how you play it. The letters on the frogs’ backs correspond to keys on your keyboard. Press a key and the frog will lash its tongue upward to meet any face in its way. Drink the angry, evil faces and spare the smiling, innocent ones (that’s how you deal with my sister). Every few seconds, faces will start falling a bit faster, frog letter labels will be removed, and a pair of frogs may get swapped (but their associated letters remain). In short, what started out as a CREAM arrangement of frogs will turn to CAERM, to CMERA, to EMCRA, and so on, making it harder to keep track of what the effect of pressing a key will do. Until you lose and get laughed at by my sister. Enjoy.

Update for Runnerby.

I usually don’t update my games, but since I decided to put Runnerby in my portfolio, some of its issues had been bugging me. So, I updated it. Now, the music pauses when the Flash applet loses focus, and there is a title screen that forces you to click and press space before starting the game, which should resolve any confusion over keys not doing anything (caused by Flash first lacking focus), and not knowing what key to use to play, for the beginners. I actually copied this last technique from Mode, the example game that Adam Saltsman made for Flixel. My game still retains its other problems.


The game I posted last about, Ascension, was made by talented game author Jonathan Whiting.

I will ramble. Please forgive.

One day, on a whim, I contacted a few fellow game makers to see if they would be interested in taking part in a little experiment. Following up on my whims has been my modus operandi since I started making games, so this just seemed appropriate. A few caught on, and what we set out to do was make a game each, and then switch around the credits, so each of us would release a game that was not of our respective creation. […]

Intervalo lúcido del individuo inconsciente.

Another arbitrary span of time, another game. I can’t really explain much about this one.

Play Intervalo… (Flash)

Este es, creo, el primero de mis juegos que contiene una (relativa) gran cantidad de español. Por lo común los hago en inglés por razones de audiencia y de los círculos que frecuento. Desde hace un tiempo que quería hacer uno bilingüe, para jugar con las intersecciones y exclusiones que se producen entre grupos culturales diferenciados por su lengua, y ahora lo hice.


(It was about time I posted this.)

Perhaps you remember a Ludum Dare entry I called Climbrunner—well, this game is an evolution of that idea. Here, you run around a tricky series of screens, up the walls and ceilings, only with the ability to jump to avoid the obstacles that get in your way. There’s no dying, just lots of cursing over missed jumps and having to do it all over again. It’s a short game, but if you think it was fun once you first finish it, there’s still a second path you can try.

All you need to know to play it is that you jump with the spacebar.

Play Runnerby (Flash) […]